Carnival cruise reviews can get you on track with information about family vacations. Carnival is noted for having some of the best cruises for kids and families. The age of your kids will determine what activities are most important to you, but Carnival is considered the best by reviewers for certain age groups.
Infants and Toddlers
Carnival has great reviews where it comes to caring for these littlest of passengers. They have young counselors as a part of the program. These counselors help the program run smoothly be changing diapers and tending to other unpleasant chores. Another great thing is that Carnival has youth programs that start with children who are not even potty trained yet. They only have to be two years old to participate in the basic activities.
Babysitting is also available both for children under two years old and for the older children as well. You can leave your child behind in the group babysitting care with no concern for their harm. Reviewers have been very pleased. The center also rents strollers for parents to use.
Children Aged 3 to 7
Of all the cruise lines, you will find the most hours of cruise activities for children of this age group. That is why it is one of the most highly reviewed cruise lines of them all for these ages. The cruise provides a welcome aboard party that the whole family attends, but that these children especially adore. They also thrive on the competition and fun of a kids’ talent show.
This program actually ends at 10 pm; however, the fun does not stop there. At that time, if their parents have not come to claim them yet, they go on to babysitting and are attended to partly be youth counselors. Rather than going right to sleep, they can enjoy activities, like getting their faces painted, until they get sleepy. After all, it is their vacation too.
Carnival cruise reviews are not as positive for the ‘tweens aged 8 to 11, but the teenagers are another story. One of the new venues for teen action is the Club 02, which is available on all the ships. These are large rooms that are equipped with advanced lighting and sound gear.
There are also video games to satisfy the most avid game player onboard, as well as large screen plasma Tvs. There are even shore excursions designed especially for teens to take with the assistance of a cruise counselor.
Carnival cruise reviews can make you think about the possibility of taking your family on a sea-going vacation. Most people are very happy with their Carnival cruises. They are even more interested in the fun and care their kids got on the trip.